Your shower feels different in a second.

Second means.

1. [noun] a unit of time equal to 1/60th of a minute

In a very short time, moisturize your skin in the bathroom.

2. [adjective] next after the first

Next after a washing, moisturize your skin in the bathroom.

Second Shower brings the beginning of your skincare routine into the bathroom, making your moisturizing more effective.

Second symbol.

Shower feels different in a second.

Second means.

1. [noun] a unit of time equal to 1/60th of a minute

In a very short time, moisturize your skin in the bathroom.

2. [adjective] next after the first

Next after a wahsing, moisturize your skin in the bathroom.

Second Shower brings the beginning fo your skincare routine into the bathroom, making your moisturizing more effective.

Second symbol.

Customer Service

032 290 6390

Weekdays 10:00 - 17:00

Lunch time 12:30 - 13:30

Weekend and Hoildays off

Company Information

Comapny : Modison Inc.

CEO : Bae In Sun

Business lisence : 717-87-01447 (link)

Address : Gaseok-ro, Seo-gu, Incheon

Account :  Woori Bank 1005-004-378591 (Modison Inc.) 

CPO : Bae In Sun

Online business lisence  : 2023-인천서구-0566

Hosting : Imweb Corp

Copyright© 2023. secondshower

All rights reserved

Customer Service

032 290 6390

Weekdays 10:00 - 17:00

Lunch time 12:30 - 13:30

Weekend and public holidays off

Company Information

Company : Modison Inc.

CEO : Bae In Sun

Business lisence  : 717-87-01447 (link)

Address : 30, Gaseok-ro, Seo-gu, Incheon

Account :  Woori Bank 1005-004-378591 (Modison Inc.)

CPO : Bae In Sun

Online business lisence : 2023-인천서구-0566

Hosting : Imweb corp

Copyright© 2023. secondshower. 

All rights reserved.