About Us
About Us

Your Shower Feels
Different in a Second

진정한 스킨케어 루틴은 씻는 물에서 시작합니다.
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당신의 샤워가 특별해지는 순간, 세컨샤워가 함께합니다.


Showering isn’t just a routine

It’s a moment to pause, recharge, and focus on yourself.

It’s where the day begins and ends,

offering a sanctuary of calm and comfort in your bathroom.


The water you bathe in is the foundation of skincare.
Every drop that touches your skin plays a role in how you care for it.

ith Second Shower, embrace the purity and restorative power of water as you journey toward self-love and care.


Pure, clean water nurtures your skin and brings out its natural glow.

Rediscover your inner radiance

with Second Shower, even in the hustle of daily life.

Customer Service

032 290 6390

Weekdays 10:00 - 17:00

Lunch time 12:30 - 13:30

Weekend and Hoildays off

Company Information

Comapny : Modison Inc.

CEO : Bae In Sun

Business lisence : 717-87-01447 (link)

Address : Gaseok-ro, Seo-gu, Incheon

Account :  Woori Bank 1005-004-378591 (Modison Inc.) 

CPO : Bae In Sun

Online business lisence  : 2023-인천서구-0566

Hosting : Imweb Corp


Copyright© 2023. secondshower

All rights reserved

Customer Service

032 290 6390

Weekdays 10:00 - 17:00

Lunch time 12:30 - 13:30

Weekend and public holidays off

Company Information

Company : Modison Inc.

CEO : Bae In Sun

Business lisence  : 717-87-01447 (link)

Address : 30, Gaseok-ro, Seo-gu, Incheon


Account :  Woori Bank 1005-004-378591 (Modison Inc.)

CPO : Bae In Sun

Online business lisence : 2023-인천서구-0566

Hosting : Imweb corp

Copyright© 2023. secondshower. 

All rights reserved.